Lesson 1.1: Kubernetes Introduction
Lesson 1.2: Kubernetes Architecture
Lesson 1.3: Multi-node Kubernetes cluster setup using kubeadm
Lesson 1.4: Multi Node Cluster Setup Using Kind
Lesson 1.5: Anatomy of kubectl commands
Lesson 2.1: Pods (Basic Pod operations, multi-container pods)
Lesson 2.2: Namespaces and Resource Quotas
Lesson 2.3: ReplicationController, ReplicaSets and Deployments
Lesson 2.4: DaemonSets and StatefulSets
Lesson 2.5: Managing Rollouts in Kubernetes Deployments
Lesson 2.6: Health Probes
Lesson 3.1: Scheduling Pods (Pod Affinity, Anti-Affinity, Taints and Tolerations)
Lesson 3.2: Logging and Monitoring with Kubernetes
Lesson 3.3: Resources and Limits (CPU, Memory)
Lesson 3.4: Static Pods, Manual Scheduling, Labels, and Selectors
Lesson 3.5: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Lesson 4.1: Kubernetes Networking Overview (Cluster Networking, DNS)
Lesson 4.2: Services (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, and ExternalName)
Lesson 4.3: Network Policies
Lesson 5.1: Volumes and Persistent Volumes (PV and PVC)
Lesson 5.2: Storage Classes and Dynamic Provisioning
Lesson 5.3: StatefulSets and Persistent Storage
Lesson 6.1: ConfigMaps
Lesson 6.2: Secrets
Lesson 6.3: Environment Variables and Mounting Configurations
Lesson 7.1: RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
Lesson 7.2: Network Policies and Security Contexts
Lesson 7.3: Pod Security Policies (PSP)
Lesson 7.4: Service Accounts and Authentication
Lesson 8.1: Troubleshooting Pods (kubectl logs, kubectl describe, etc.)
Lesson 8.2: Network Troubleshooting
Lesson 8.3: Resource Utilization and Node Issues
Lesson 9.1: Introduction to Helm
Lesson 9.2: Installing and Managing Applications with Helm
Lesson 9.3: Helm Charts and Repositories
Lesson 10.1: Overview of CI/CD and its importance in Kubernetes
Lesson 10.2: Tools (Jenkins, GitLab, etc.) for CI/CD in Kubernetes
Lesson 10.3: Automated Deployment Pipelines using Kubernetes
Lesson 11.1: High Availability Architectures (Master Nodes, etc.)
Lesson 11.2: Backup and Restore Strategies
Lesson 11.3: Disaster Recovery Plans
Lesson 12.1: Practice Exam
Lesson 12.2: Time Management Strategies
Lesson 12.3: Review and Final Preparations
[root@master ~]# echo $WIP_PAGE