Lesson 1.13: Defining Command Alias
Defining Command Alias Temporarily
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ alias
alias cls='clear'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ alias safagara='clear'
Defining Command Alias Permanently
CASE 1 : User Specific Alias
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ # View hidden files
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ ls -a
. .bash_profile Desktop image.png .mozilla Script test
.. .bashrc Documents .lesshst Music Scripts Videos
.bash_history .cache Downloads .local Pictures .ssh .viminfo
.bash_logout .config folder Marketing Public Templates
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ # Open .bashrc and then add the specific line
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ vi .bashrc
alias safagara='clear'
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ # Refresh .bashrc
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ . .bashrc
# OR
[sanjeeb@assignmentserver ~]$ source .bashrc
CASE 2 : System Wide Alias
# Switch to root user
[root@assignmentserver ~]# whoami
# Find the .bashrc file in the hidden file of the root directory
[root@assignmentserver ~]# ls -a
. backup2 .cache Desktop .local .ssh .viminfo
.. .bash_history .config Documents Music .tcshrc .xauthtK6NH4
allerr .bash_logout .cshrc Downloads Pictures Templates
allout .bash_profile data1 full_out Public userinfo
anaconda-ks.cfg .bashrc data2 .lesshst scr Videos
# Edit the .bashrc file and add alias command
[root@assignmentserver ~]# vim .bashrc
alias safagara='clear'
# Refresh the .bashrc
[root@assignmentserver ~]# source .bashrc
# View the alias
[root@assignmentserver ~]# alias
alias cp='cp -i'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -l --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias safagara='clear'
alias xzegrep='xzegrep --color=auto'
alias xzfgrep='xzfgrep --color=auto'
alias xzgrep='xzgrep --color=auto'
alias zegrep='zegrep --color=auto'
alias zfgrep='zfgrep --color=auto'
alias zgrep='zgrep --color=auto'
# Check if the command is working
[root@assignmentserver ~]# safagara