Setting up oracle using docker in macos
Pulling the Oracle Database Image
Run the following command to pull the Oracle Database Free image from Oracle’s registry:
term@mac $ docker run -d --name train_oracle_db -p 1623:1521
- -d runs the container in detached mode.
- --name train_oracle_db assigns a name to the container.
- -p 1623:1521 maps port 1521 in the container to 1623 on the host.
- Docker begins pulling the necessary layers of the Oracle Database image and shows progress as each layer completes.
Checking Container Status
Use docker ps to verify that the container is running:
term@mac $ docker ps
- This lists active containers. The train_oracle_db container should be displayed with the status "Up" and port 1623 mapped to 1521.
Viewing Container Logs
To check if the Oracle Database setup completed successfully:
term@mac $ docker logs train_oracle_db
Key Log Message: Look for DATABASE IS READY TO USE which indicates that Oracle Database is fully set up.
Setting the System Password
Execute a script inside the container to set the password for the system user:
term@mac $ docker exec -it train_oracle_db ./ oracle The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /opt/oracle SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Nov 3 04:06:07 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 23ai Free Release - Develop, Learn, and Run for Free Version SQL> User altered. SQL> User altered. SQL> Session altered. SQL> User altered. SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 23ai Free Release - Develop, Learn, and Run for Free Version
- docker exec -it runs a command interactively inside the container.
- ./ oracle sets "oracle" as the password for the system user.
Accessing the Oracle Database Shell
For further commands and configuration, enter the container’s shell.
term@mac $ docker exec -it train_oracle_db /bin/bash bash-4.4$ bash-4.4$ ps -ef | grep pmon oracle 37 1 0 04:01 ? 00:00:00 db_pmon_FREE oracle 737 685 0 04:07 pts/0 00:00:00 grep pmon
Verification: Run ps -ef to see Oracle processes like db_pmon_FREE, confirming the database processes are active.
Starting SQL*Plus in SYSDBA Mode
Connect to SQL*Plus as the SYSDBA:
bash-4.4$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> SQL> exit
Output: SQLPlus starts, showing a connected state to the Oracle Database.
Accessing SQL*Plus with System User
To connect as the system user:
bash-4.4$ sqlplus system/oracle SQL> SQL> exit
Explanation: system is the username, and oracle is the password set earlier.
Enter the Container with Root Privileges:
term@mac $ docker exec -u 0 -it train_oracle_db /bin/bash
- Accesses the train_oracle_db container as root.
- Opens an interactive Bash shell inside the container.
Start SQL*Plus and Connect to Oracle Database:
[root@1db651ee7fcb oracle]# sqlplus system/oracle@localhost:1521/freepdb1
sqlplus system/oracle@localhost:1521/freepdb1 - Initiates SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle DB using:
- system - Username (default system admin).
- oracle - Password.
- localhost:1521/freepdb1 - Host and port (mapped to 1623 on the host) and the pluggable database (freepdb1).
SQL*Plus Output:
- Confirms successful connection to Oracle Database version
- Ready to run SQL commands within freepdb1.
Using Persistant Volume
term@mac $ docker run -d --name train_oracle_db -p 1623:1521 -v /Users/sanjeeb/Training/oracle-training/oracle-container-volume:/opt/oracle/oradata 82bea39e667c14ed623219db877b03c2bb1103e3799b5519a737f2904218c9a5 term@mac $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 82bea39e667c "/bin/bash -c $ORACL…" 8 seconds ago Up 7 seconds (health: starting)>1521/tcp train_oracle_db term@mac $ docker exec -u 0 -it train_oracle_db /bin/bash [root@82bea39e667c oracle]#